Attribute quotes

Warns if the attribute value is not quoted.

🔧 Fixable

Rule Details

👎 Examples of incorrect code for this rule

<div data-attr=value></div>
<div data-attr='value'></div>

{ attr-value-quotes: ['warning', 'single'] }

<div data-attr=value></div>
<div data-attr="value"></div>

👍 Examples of correct code for this rule

<div data-attr="value"></div>

{ attr-value-quotes: ['warning', 'single'] }

<div data-attr='value'></div>

Setting value

Type: "double" | "single"

"double"Warns if the attribute value is not quoted on double quotation mark.
"single"Warns if the attribute value is not quoted on single quotation mark.

Default severity
