Landmark roles

  • Whether perceptible content exists on any landmark (Work in prgress)
  • Whether banner, main, complementary and contentinfo are top-level landmarks
  • Whether a specific landmark roll has unique label when used multiple times on a page

Check the above and warn if it is not satisfied.

It is based on W3C ARIA Landmarks Example.

Rule Details

👎 Examples of incorrect code for this rule

<!DOCTYPE html>
            <nav>Duplicate navigation landmarks without a label</nav>
            <aside>Complementary landmark not at the top level</aside>

👍 Examples of correct code for this rule

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <nav aria-label="main">...</nav>
            <nav aria-label="sub">...</nav>

Setting value

  • Type: boolean
  • Optional
  • Default value: true



  • Type: ('banner' | 'main' | 'complementary' | 'contentinfo' | 'form' | 'navigation' | 'region')[]
  • Default value: []

Excludes the specified landmark roll from the warning.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default value: true

Warn if there is a unique label if a particular landmark role is used multiple times on the page.

Default severity
