Warn if the role attribute and/or aria-* attributes don't set in accordance with specs that are WAI-ARIA and/or "ARIA in HTML".

Warn if:

  • Clear-cut violation.
    • Use the role that doesn't exist in the spec.
    • Use the abstract role.
    • Use the property/state that doesn't belong to a set role (or an implicit role).
    • Use an invalid value of the property/state .
    • Use the not permitted role according to ARIA in HTML.
    • Don't set the required property/state.
  • Unrecommended.
    • Set the deprecated property/state.
    • Set the implicit role explicitly according to ARIA in HTML.
    • Set the property/state explicitly when its element has semantic HTML attribute equivalent to it according to ARIA in HTML.
  • Preference
    • Set the default value of the property/state explicitly.

There are settings about ARIA in HTML on @markuplint/html-spec. And you can disable them because that is draft yet.

Rule Details

👎 Examples of incorrect code for this rule

<div role="landmark" aria-busy="busy">
        <li role="button">an item</li>
    <button aria-checked="true">Click me!</button>

👍 Examples of correct code for this rule

<div role="banner" aria-busy="true">
        <li role="menuitemcheckbox">an item</li>
    <button aria-pressed="true">Click me!</button>

Setting value

Type: boolean



Warn if use an invalid value of the property/state. You can temporarily disable this option if the WAI-ARIA spec update rather than markuplint add new value to the allowed list ahead. Don't recommend disabling basically.

  • Type: boolean
  • Optional
  • Default: true


Warn if use deprecated property/state. You can temporarily disable this not to evaluate WAI-ARIA old version. Don't recommend disabling basically.

  • Type: boolean
  • Optional
  • Default: true

Warn if use the not permitted role according to ARIA in HTML. This is based on the spec ARIA in HTML and is not strictly the spec WAI-ARIA, so it is an option.

  • Type: boolean
  • Optional
  • Default: true

Disallow set the implicit role explicitly. This is based on the spec ARIA in HTML and is not strictly the spec WAI-ARIA, so it is an option.

  • Type: boolean
  • Optional
  • Default: true

Disallow set the implicit property/state explicitly. This is based on the spec ARIA in HTML and is not strictly the spec WAI-ARIA, so it is an option.

  • Type: boolean
  • Optional
  • Default: true

Disallow set the default value of the property/state explicitly.


Configuration Example

Explains an example of when changes configs are necessary due to browser support status or the behavior of assistive technologies.

Below is an example of disabling disallowSetImplicitRole when the img element loading SVG requires role="img" in Safari and VoiceOver environments. (This matter is based on the issue.)

    "rules": {
        "wai-aria": true
    "nodeRules": [
            "selector": "img[src$=.svg]",
            "rules": {
                // Allows the implicit role:
                "wai-aria": {
                    "option": {
                        "disallowSetImplicitRole": false
                // Change to require to specify role attributes:
                "required-attr": "role",
                // Allow only img value for the role attribute:
                "invalid-attr": {
                    "option": {
                        "attrs": {
                            "role": {
                                "enum": ["img"]

The selector img[src$=.svg] limits the rule to the element that is loading an SVG image. Then, disabling the disallowSetImplicitRole option allows setting role="img" which is the implicit role of the img element. Furthermore, Change to require to specify the role attribute through the required-attr rule, and allows only the img value for the role attribute through the invalid-attr rule. Doing this will urge add role="img" to the img[src$=.svg] element.